4 Secret Techniques Automated Woo Uses to Bring Back Your CustomersYou Might Not Know About!

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, keeping your customers coming back is just as important as winning them in the first place. Enter Automated Woo, a robust extension for WooCommerce app that automates clever strategies to win back your customers. You’re likely already familiar with its basics—automated emails, reminders, and follow-ups—but there’s more beneath the surface. Here are four secret techniques you may not be using yet, but that could transform your customer retention strategy and skyrocket your revenue.

1. Send SMS to Customers Who Haven’t Bought in Over 3 Months

Do you have customers who haven’t made a purchase in more than three months? These are known as churned customers. Automated Woo allows you to easily set up automated SMS or email campaigns to target these churn users. You can send them a personalized message, and, better yet, you can generate a unique coupon code to encourage them to come back and make a purchase. By reconnecting with these users, you can turn dormant customers into repeat buyers!

2. Request Feedback on Shopping Experience

Just like Amazon, you can use Automated Woo to send follow-up emails asking for a review of your customer’s shopping experience. After they receive their order, Automated Woo can automatically send them an email requesting feedback and even encourage them to rate the products they purchased. Within that email, you can subtly prompt them to reorder with a generated “Re-order Now” link or even include it in an SMS. This not only helps you gather valuable reviews but also gives the customer an easy opportunity to shop again.

3. Send SMS and Email for Abandoned Carts

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the biggest challenges in e-commerce. Luckily, Automated Woo includes a powerful abandoned cart recovery feature. It allows you to detect customers who have left items in their cart but haven’t completed the purchase. You can automatically send them both SMS and email reminders with a direct link to their cart, making it easy for them to return and complete their order. This simple nudge can significantly increase your conversion rates.

4. Remind Customers of Pending Orders Before Cancellation

Sometimes customers place an order but don’t complete the payment. Automated Woo has a feature that can automatically send SMS and email reminders to these customers before their orders are canceled. You can take this opportunity to remind them about their pending order, and even sweeten the deal by offering a limited-time coupon code to encourage them to finalize the purchase. This small gesture could be all it takes to convert an incomplete order into a sale.


With these four hidden gems of Automated Woo, you can turn missed opportunities into completed sales. From engaging churned customers to recovering abandoned carts, Automated Woo provides powerful tools to bring back your customers and keep them shopping.

But effective customer retention is only part of the picture. To truly optimize your WooCommerce store, you need streamlined shop management. That’s where Hippoo comes in—a comprehensive app designed to help you effortlessly manage your WooCommerce store, from order fulfillment to inventory tracking. With Hippoo, you can automate your store management while focusing on growing your business. If you’re ready to take your shop’s performance to the next level, Hippoo is the perfect partner to complement Automated Woo and keep your e-commerce operations running smoothly.