5 Essential WooCommerce Tools to Boost Your Sales

Maximizing sales is the ultimate goal of any WooCommerce store, and leveraging the right tools can make a significant difference. By streamlining your processes, enhancing customer engagement, and personalizing the shopping experience, you can drive more sales and grow your business. Here are five essential WooCommerce tools that can help you boost your sales:

1. Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing is a powerful way to drive sales by keeping your customers engaged and informed. Tools like MailerLite and Mailchimp offer comprehensive solutions to enhance your marketing efforts.

  • MailerLite: This platform allows you to create targeted email campaigns that can promote new products, special offers, and flash sales. With features like automation workflows and segmentation, MailerLite helps you send personalized emails that resonate with your audience, encouraging them to make a purchase.
  • Mailchimp: Known for its robust capabilities, Mailchimp offers advanced features like A/B testing and in-depth analytics. By automating order confirmations, shipping updates, and promotional emails, you can keep your customers informed and incentivize them to return for repeat purchases.

Sales Boosting Benefits:

  • Increases repeat sales through personalized and timely communication
  • Promotes special offers and discounts directly to customers’ inboxes
  • Enhances customer loyalty, leading to higher lifetime value

2. Marketing Automation Tools

Automating your marketing efforts can lead to more consistent customer engagement and ultimately more sales. AutomateWoo is a powerful tool designed to help WooCommerce stores automate key marketing tasks.

  • AutomateWoo: This plugin enables you to set up automated workflows that drive sales, such as abandoned cart recovery, post-purchase follow-ups, and customer loyalty programs. By targeting customers based on their behavior, AutomateWoo helps you convert more leads into sales and keep existing customers coming back.

Sales Benefits:

  • Recovers lost sales through automated abandoned cart emails
  • Increases customer lifetime value with loyalty rewards
  • Boosts sales with timely, personalized marketing messages

3. Retargeting Tools

Retargeting is a powerful strategy to bring back potential customers who have shown interest in your products but haven’t completed a purchase. Google Ads is a leading platform that can help you execute effective retargeting campaigns.

  • Google Ads Retargeting: By using Google Ads, you can show targeted ads to users who have visited your store but left without buying. This keeps your products in front of potential customers, reminding them to return and complete their purchase. Retargeting campaigns are highly effective in converting window shoppers into buyers.

Sales Benefits:

  • Recaptures potential sales by targeting interested users
  • Increases conversion rates by keeping your products top-of-mind
  • Enhances brand recognition and drives repeat traffic to your store

4. Product Recommendation Services

Offering personalized product recommendations is a great way to increase the average order value and boost sales. Tools like YARPP (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin) or WooCommerce-specific alternatives can enhance your store’s product discovery experience


  • YARPP Related Products: While YARPP is traditionally used for content, similar WooCommerce plugins like YITH Related Products or Beeketing analyze customer behavior to suggest related or complementary products. These recommendations encourage customers to add more items to their cart, increasing the overall value of their purchase.

Sales Benefits:

  • Increases average order value through cross-selling and upselling
  • Encourages impulse buys with relevant product suggestions
  • Enhances the shopping experience, leading to higher sales

5. Hippoo! App

Efficient store management is crucial for maximizing sales. The Hippoo! app is a versatile Android tool that helps WooCommerce store owners manage orders, products, and stock levels with ease, directly impacting your ability to fulfill orders quickly and keep customers satisfied.

  • Hippoo! App Features:
    • Stock Monitoring: Keep track of inventory levels in real-time and receive alerts when items are running low, ensuring you never miss a sales opportunity due to out-of-stock products.
    • Order Management: Easily create, manage, and fulfill orders, helping you maintain a smooth sales process.
    • Coupon Management: Create and manage discount coupons effortlessly, which can be used to attract new customers and encourage repeat purchases.
    • Customer Review Tracking: Monitor and manage customer reviews to maintain a positive store reputation, which is crucial for driving sales.

Sales Benefits:

  • Prevents missed sales by keeping inventory well-stocked
  • Increases sales through efficient order and coupon management
  • Enhances store reputation, encouraging more purchases


Increasing sales in your WooCommerce store requires the right combination of tools that enhance customer engagement, streamline marketing efforts, and improve overall store management. By integrating email marketing services like MailerLite or Mailchimp, using marketing automation with AutomateWoo, implementing retargeting through Google Ads, offering personalized product recommendations, and efficiently managing your store with the Hippoo! app, you can significantly boost your WooCommerce sales. These tools not only help you attract and convert customers but also encourage repeat purchases, leading to sustained revenue growth.